Formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC) has over 10,000 shareholders composed of the three Native cultures of Bristol Bay (Eskimo, Indian, and Aleut). BBNC is a diversified holding company. Investments and services include a stock portfolio, cardlock fueling, corporate services, corrosion inspection, environmental engineering and remediation, oilfield and environmental cleanup, labor, and government services.
BBNC’s founders took their reverence for the land and Bristol Bay Native cultures and built BBNC into a diversified corporation with more than $1 Billion in annual revenue. This revenue is shared with our shareholders who have received more than $70 Million in dividends since our inception. BBNC has been, and continues to be, a major contributor to Alaska’s economy.
BBNC is a diversified holding company with a focus on four lines of business: Government Services, Oil Field Services, Construction, and Petroleum.
BBNC continually strives to achieve a mission of “Sharing Our Native Way of Life” by providing quality services to our customers while enhancing the benefits to the Bristol Bay Region Native Shareholders. BBNC’s commitment is one of Responsible development…to Our People, Our Land, and Our Companies.
SST is a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation with operations in government services, construction, industrial services, and tourism.
To learn more about Bristol Bay Native Corporation, visit bbnc.net.
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) was enacted in 1971. In preparation for the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, native land disputes were settled, and Alaska was divided into 12 Regional Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs). Among those 12 original Regional ANCs was Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC), the parent company of STS Solutions and Training, LLC (SST).
BBNC was formed on December 18, 1971, with corporate offices in Anchorage, Alaska. BBNC’s mission is to enrich the Native way of life, and the BBNC Vision is to protect the land in the Bristol Bay region, celebrate the legacy of its people, and enhance the lives of BBNC Shareholders.
The Alaska Native lifestyle is one of isolation in more ways than literal village life. The 86,000 US citizens enrolled under ANCSA experience nonexistent economic opportunities, high unemployment, a very high cost of living, and limited access to healthcare, education, and training. Twenty-two percent (22%) of Alaska Natives live below the poverty line. Unemployment in the villages is five times the national average.
BBNC shareholders desire the opportunity to take responsibility and earn fair wages. With BBNC, Shareholders have opportunities for education assistance, dividend income, and employment; and, they may transfer shares to immediate family.
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STS Solutions & Training is a Bristol Bay Native Corporation Company